Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cousins and Bubbles!

The day finally arrived for the Bettilyon gathering! Emily came into town first, and I was able to snap a couple of pictures of Lyndi and Ayla on the swing.

When Brianna and Asia arrived, we collected eggs and pestered the rooster.

The next day, we made bubbles. Really, really, big bubbles. Here's Brianna

Keanna was very serious about making the large bubbles:

Asia appeared to dance with the bubbles, ones she made and any others that happen to be near:

Ayla was wowwed by some of the bubbles Brianna and Keanna made, and enjoyed holding some of her own:

Next we painted t-shirt; Keanna and Brianna took this very seriously. (the finished products did not turn out quite as advertised on the glorius web site I got the instructions from, but we still had fun!) Brianna and Asia, I'll bring yours to Idaho with us.

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