Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Years Resolutions-in February

So I'm tardy. I love looking at everyone else's posts on their blogs, but have not kept up mine. So I will repent, and try to do better. So much has happened!

In December, David went into the MTC. He arrived in Alabama in January. I thought I would post a few pictures of him.......because it makes me happy that he is serving.

David had to attach a picture of himself when he submitted his papers. We had a lot of difficulty with this, because he didn't want to cut his hair, so he decided to submit his papers without a picture. The bishop added his comments, then asked where the picture was? David no longer had access to the site, because now the bishop has added his information.

Oh wait, first David had to cut his hair and get his picture taken. He didn't trust mom, so he went over to Dan's house and asked him to cut it, oh and would Ashley take his picture? Ashley wisely took a picture of David before. Dan cut his hair, styled it, had David put on a snazzy suit of his, and Ashley took his picture. She said she should have put up a before and after picture on her blog, because the difference was so striking and she would have gotten a lot of business off of it. I don't have her before picture, but I have one taken not too long ago. You be the judge:

(by the way, the green behind david is the wall in Ashley's house. Isn't she stylin? Sigh, I don't have her talents)

So, we sent the picture to the bishop via email. It was too large for him to attach, so we formatted it and sent it again.....and again......finally, Steven had to get on board to help with the technical issues to get his papers sent on. It delayed his mission call by about 5 weeks, because we had to work around the bishop and the stake president's travel schedules. (let this be a lesson to small bears, do it right the first time!)

But it got done, and David is on his way!

Here is a picture of Mom and David the day he went into the MTC at the W....

Yes, it was a little strained.

And here is a picture of David at the MTC. The rules re: mustaches must have changed.........

1 comment:

Matt Bettilyon said...

nice before and after. David does look a little less rebellious in the second take :)

Thanks for the update, it is always fun to see the pictures and get a few more details from the blog entries. We miss you guys and hope you're doing well!