Andrew blessed Emma on Sunday. Family came from all over to be with his family.
Here is the guest of honor
Katherine crocheted the dress . She started crocheting the dress before she went on her mission, and finished it for Emma. Incredibly beautiful. She also crocheted the blanket.

The proud family
The crowd that came to support Andrew, Katherine, and Emma.

Everyone wanted to hold Emma
Cousins had a good time
Asia put together some interesting potato heads
It's a small world
So, when I heard Andrew was moving to Pocatello, it brought back a few memories. I lived there in 1979-1981 with my first husband, Steve. I tried to remember an address, but because we moved seven times (I can't remember if there was an eighth time) none of the addresses really stuck in my long term memory. I brought up google maps with Lee, and tried to figure out where we lived. My memory did not provide the information. When we got there, the town looked totally different (after all, it has been 30 years!) and I thought if we had time maybe we would drive downtown and see if the music store was still there. On Sunday, the chapel felt familiar, but since the chapels are built with the same pattern and I've been in a lot of them, I didn't think anything about it. As we were leaving, we drove around the church to the back, and I saw a house that looked familiar. I said, Lee, stop! (or as Lee said, I said: LEE! STOP!) Yes, it was the house that we lived in when Dan was born. The house Steven and Danny had chicken pox in. Once I had that as a reference point, we found three other places we'd lived in before we had to move on.
One of these days, when I can spend more time, it would be fun to look around a lot more.
Here is the house:
So what this means, Emma was blessed in the same chapel that Dan Henry was blessed in. It is a very small world indeed .